Burntisland Rowing Club Launched

On the coldest day of the year (so far) more than 50 people turned up for the first public meeting to discuss prospects for a new Coastal Rowing club.

Some were members of Kinghorn Coastal Rowing (they even brought their own boat) or the Burntisland Sailing Club, but most were new to the idea of rowing.

Plenty of enthusiasm in the room and an agreement to form a club and build a boat!

Contact – rowing@burntislandsailing.org.uk

Change Works in Burntisland Officially Opens

Left to right: Teresa Bray (chief exec Changeworks), Jo Hobbett, Provost Cllr Jim Leishman, Rosanna Wood, Cllr Judy Hamilton , Claire Baker MSP, Nicki Francis. (Jo, Nicki and Rosanna make up the staff team based at the Hub.)

Jo Hobbett, Change Works in Burntisland Senior Project Officer, says, “We’ve worked hard to get the hub ready and we’re delighted to finally have the doors open to welcome residents of Burntisland. Our team is on hand to provide advice to help people save money on their energy bills and improve the energy efficiency of local homes and businesses. Drop in to find out how we can help you!”

Fife Provost Jim Leishman can always be relied on for amusing and encouraging anecdotes.

Cakes by Cromwell Kitchen.


Bringing YOU Burntisland Civic Week 2019

THIS is the dynamic team that will make Civic Week happen again in June.

BUT it will need participants and helpers.

Like many things in Burntisland, Civic Week just seems to happen. But the reality is a lot of work (mostly behind the scenes), organisational skills, planning, donations, sponsors, luck (see last year’s Parade Day weather) and help on the day(s).

Today’s AGM at the Sands saw the re-election of the 2018 office bearers plus the addition of a minutes secretary.

The theme – Space and Science – was revealed on B.B last year.

It had been hoped that former Burntisland Primary pupil Anneila Sargent, who went on to become an astronomer in California, would be in town during Civic Week, but schedules didn’t align. She may still have a presence…

Another famous Burntisland scientist will again be celebrated at the Heritage Centre this year. Mary Somerville is part of the 2019 exhibition Island Jewels of the Forth.

The Week (actually 10 days) starts on Friday June 14th with the shop window display judging. Saturday’s big event is the Parade. Last year there were 10 groups taking part, this year it could be more.

Sunday will see events at the beach including the Sandcastle Competition and the Raft Race.



2018 Sponsors –


Burntisland: No Trains Today AND Next Sunday – Who Knows?

Buses Today | Next Week

Helpful sign (provided by contractors)

Track renewal is necessary and desirable and best done on a Sunday when (usually) fewer people travel.

Not everyone checks the internet before travelling. Even in the days of smart phones, not everyone has one – or credit/data.

Person (with child in pushchair) intending to travel to Kirkcaldy

So it would be useful for information to be available at affected stations well in advance. Even more important, for anyone just turning up on the day.

People wanting to travel towards Edinburgh couldn’t even get on to Platform 1 today (top photo).

The sign on Platform 2 had the most basic of information –

Perhaps by next Sunday there will be prominent information boards at the entrances to affected station with explanations, bus timetables AND where the buses will stop. It may seem obvious to ScotRail that it will be in the car park area at the front of the old station building. Not everyone knows the station, and those who do know that the weekday B1 service doesn’t stop by the station.

Working for Change in Burntisland

In July 2016 Burntisland Community Council launched its Community Action Plan. One of the strands was energy, this led to a series of local meetings and the creation of the Burntisland energy masterplan.

The masterplan has now taken a significant step forward as a two year project with one full time and two part-time staff – all Burntisland residents.

In addition it will have a public office opening on Monday at 183 High Street.

The project is being run by Edinburgh based environmental charity Changeworks. This is one of four separate projects in Scotland looking at various aspects of energy use and taking different approaches to engaging with people in the four selected areas.

The projects are funded by the Scottish Government as part of initiatives relating to Climate Change. All are “pilots” but lessons learned will be used to develop energy use reduction and ‘behaviour change’ action across the country.

In Burntisland the emphasis will be on energy efficiency in households and businesses. Advice and help will be given on things like draught proofing and also switching energy suppliers. This could save people money but will also get them to think about energy use generally and consider the efficiency of boilers and other appliances. In addition, project workers can advise on the Warm Home Discount Scheme.

In use (one night only) during the Christmas Fair

Project Officer Jo Hobbett taking action to convert the premises from previous use as the mobile phone/vape shop.
